
The ISCM is a private company limited by guarantee (company number 10854937), i.e. a completely separate legal entity which has its own governance, leadership, management, reporting and accountability arrangements.
A management committee, elected by members at the ISCM Annual General Meeting, will be responsible for ensuring that the ISCM pursues its aims effectively. The Management Committee will be supported by an Advisory Board consisting of people representing Liaison Members who have a strong interest in condition monitoring or related technologies. A full-time secretariat has been provided by The British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing, BINDT.
Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting has been organised in connection with the annual CM-MFPT conferences.
International Scientific Advisory Board
Scientific advisory board consists of people representing Liaison Members who have a strong interest in condition monitoring.
Chairman: Prof. L. Gelman
Management Committee
The management committee, elected by members at the ISCM Annual General Meeting, will be responsible for ensuring that the ISCM pursues its aims effectively.
Main Committees
Five main committees were established at the ISCM Management Committee meeting in 2011. The chairs of the Committees are members of the Management Committee.
Contact details
The ISCM Secretariat, c/o BINDT, Midsummer House, Riverside Way, Bedford Road, Northampton NN1 5NX, United Kingdom. Email:
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