Management committee

The management committee, elected by members at the ISCM Annual General Meeting, will be responsible for ensuring that the ISCM pursues its aims effectively.
Election and tenure of committee members
• All committee members must be elected by the ISCM membership at a General Meeting.
• Members will serve for a term of three years, from the date of the AGM at which they were elected, and can be re-elected for further terms of three years.
• The chairman will serve for three years and may be re-elected for a further term of three years. The maximum term of office for a chairman is six years.
• Only fully paid up members of the ISCM can be elected to the Management Committee.
• Any committee member who fails to participate in three consecutive committee meetings shall be de-selected as a committee member, unless the chairman is satisfied that the absences were unavoidable.
• The committee can at any time fill any casual vacancy that arises, subject to ratification at the next AGM
Process for electing members of the Management Committee
• At least eight weeks before the Annual General Meeting a notice of election shall be sent to
all members.
• The notice shall list current committee members and indicate which of the members’ terms
of office expire at the AGM.
• The notice will invite ISCM members to nominate individuals to fill any vacancies arising.
Nomination forms will be available from the ISCM Secretary.
• A nomination form must be signed by three ISCM members and by the nominee and must
be received by the ISCM Secretary not less than two weeks before the AGM.
• The ISCM Secretary shall bring all nominations to the AGM. If the number of nominations
exceeds the number of vacancies a ballot shall be held.
Meeting frequency and quorum
• Meetings shall be held four times each year. At least one meeting per year should be held in a venue that enables members to be physically present. Most meetings will be conducted through a remote conferencing facility.
• The quorum for management committee meetings shall be five.
Committee responsibilities
The purpose of the ISCM is to bring together an international community with the common aim of achieving excellence in the development and practice of condition monitoring and related diagnostic technologies. The Management Committee will help the society achieve its aim by:
• facilitating a worldwide network for interchange of knowledge,
• encouraging and supporting national and international seminars and conferences,
• overseeing the development and delivery of a high level online journal,
• providing input in the development of training, qualification and certification programmes,
• contributing to the development of international standards,
• encouraging and supporting publishing initiatives,
• collaborating with other national and international bodies,
• timely strategic planning,
• establishing committees and working groups where appropriate.
The Management Committee will produce an annual report, including income and expenditure accounts, for presentation to the membership at each Annual General Meeting.

Directors of the ISCM

  • Prof L Gelman (Executive Director)
  • Prof A Lucifredi (Chair)
  • Prof M Behzad
  • Prof J Bortman
  • Dr S Ganeriwala (Chair – Industry Committee)
  • Prof S Heyns (Chair – Scientific & Technical)
  • Dr R Klein
  • Prof L Kuravsky
  • Prof A Hope
  • Dr E Juuso (Chair – Publications Committee)
  • Prof H Karimi
  • Prof M Lipsett
  • Dr M Papaelias (Chair – Education & CPD Committee)
  • Prof F Pellicano
  • Prof L Swedrowski (Chair – Membership & Awards Committee)
  • Prof J Vizintin
  • Prof D Wang
  • Ms Amy Wynn
  • Dr G Yebra
Secretary (non-voting): C. Bailey
The Chairman shall be an ex-officio (co-opted) member of the Council of the British Institute of NDT.
Contact details
The ISCM Secretariat, c/o BINDT, Midsummer House, Riverside Way, Bedford Road, Northampton NN1 5NX, United Kingdom. Email:
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