International Journal of Condition Monitoring (IJCM)
ISSN 2047-6426
International Journal of Condition Monitoring (IJCM) launched by The British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing (BINDT) is a scientific-technical journal containing high-quality innovative in-depth peer-reviewed papers on all the condition monitoring disciplines.
Publication homepage
IJCM is published four times a year online via .
Paper submission and peer-review
Paper submission and peer-review for IJCM is handled online via , operated on the same lines as used by IJCM’s sister journal Insight, also published by The British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing.
Manuscript Central
Information for Authors
Online access
The full editorial contents of IJCM is available online via .
All visitors will be able to gain free access to Tables of Contents and Abstracts of papers of all published articles. Some volumes are available Open Access.
Members (BINDT and ISCM) and IJCM subscribers will be able to view the full text (in PDF) of all papers.
Members of BINDT may access IJCM directly via the My BINDT log-in area of the website without having to log in a second time on IngentaConnect.
Members of ISCM can open all the volumes at , see Instructions:
Online access IJCM
- The ISCM members should log in to the Members’ Area of the website by clicking the green ‘Log In / Register’ button at the top left of the home page (their User Name will be the email address they have registered their membership with and there is a password reminder/reset facility if this has been forgotten or is not known).BINDT
- Once logged in, they should click the button again, which will now say ‘My BINDT’. In the navigation bar on the left-hand side of the My BINDT area, they should click the link to ‘IJCM Online’ and once on the page click ‘Link to Ingenta’, which will take them through to the full contents of IJCM without having to log in again.
- If any individual has trouble accessing the publication in this way, they can contact for assistance.
Non-members and institutions may take out subscriptions, see at BINDT website.
Publication homepage
A pay-per-view facility will be available for non-members and non-subscribers.
For full details of what will be available and how to access it, contact the Institute or visit where there will also be a direct link to the IJCM pages on IngentaConnect.
Prof R Allen (UK), Prof J Antoni (France), Prof W Bartelmus (Poland, Dr C Byington (USA), Prof M Crocker (USA), Dr N Eklund (USA), Mr V Fox (USA), Prof T-H Gan (UK), Prof K Horoshenkov (UK), Prof P Irving (UK), Prof I Jennions (UK), Prof P John (UK), Dr E Juuso (Finland), Dr K Keller (USA), Dr S King (UK), Dr R Klein (Israel), Prof V Kostyukov (Russia), Prof L Kuravsky (Russia), Prof T Lago (Sweden), Prof S Lahdelma (Finland), Prof A Lucifredi (Italy), Prof S Radkowski (Poland), Prof R Smid (Czech Republic), Prof J Strackeljan (Germany), Prof L Swedrowski (Poland), Prof P Trampus (Hungary), Prof J Vizintin (Slovenia), Dr L Wang (UK), Prof P White (UK).
Editorial contributions should be addressed to The Editor, IJCM, BINDT, Midsummer House, Riverside Way, Bedford Road, Northampton NN1 5NX, UK. Tel: +44 (0)1604 89 3811;
Fax: +44 (0)1604 89 3861; Email:
Fax: +44 (0)1604 89 3861; Email:
Joan Paintin. Tel: +44 (0)1604 89 3811.