18th International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Asset Management, CM 2022

The Eighteenth International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Asset Management (CM 2022) will be organized at Radisson Hotel and Conference Centre, London Heathrow, UK, on June 6--9, 2022.


The British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing (BINDT) is pleased to invite you to this premier event, the Eighteenth International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Asset Management.
The conference is being organised by BINDT in close partnership with the International Society for Condition Monitoring (ISCM) and the US Society for Machinery Failure Prevention Technology (MFPT). This combination of the efforts of these leading organisations creates one of the largest events of its kind at a truly international level and builds on the highly successful 17 international condition monitoring (CM) conferences organised by BINDT, the First World Congress on CM in 2017 organised by BINDT and ISCM and 71 annual conferences organised by the MFPT Society.
BINDT has always recognised the importance of encouraging students to participate in this major international event. As a gesture to celebrate the eighteenth international conference, the Institute will be providing sponsorship of student registrations in 2022, resulting in a major reduction of fees for student attendance.

Author instructions

Abstracts and papers should be submitted online at: https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/cm2022-mfpt2022. Invited papers should be linked to the appropriate session; all other papers should be linked to 'general session'.


The three-day conference will be covering a wide range of advances in CM fields, which will include:
  • Plenary presentations
  • Invited and contributed presentations, including case study presentations
  • Industrial sessions for major industrial sectors
  • Expert panel session on hot topics in CM, led by recognised scientists and engineers
  • Exhibition, vendor presentations and plenary spotlight session for exhibitors and sponsors
  • Social events
  • BINDT-sponsored student packages
  • Free-of-charge workshop for CM conference delegates

Sponsors and exhibitors will have an opportunity to highlight their activities and give a presentation at the plenary spotlight session.


The Radisson Hotel and Conference Centre London Heathrow is located less than ten minutes from London Heathrow Airport and the City of London is just a 15-minute train ride away. With excellent transport links by road, rail and air, the Radisson Hotel and Conference Centre benefits from a great London location; it is an ideal venue for the Eighteenth International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Asset Management.
The conference venue, the Radisson Hotel and Conference Centre, has taken extra health, safety and hygiene measures to ensure that your safety, including COVID-19 safety, is their priority.


BINDT has secured a limited number of bedrooms at the Radisson Hotel and Conference Centre at an excellent discounted rate.
Venue and travel information
To book your accommodation for the Radisson Hotel and Conference Centre London Heathrow, please contact the hotel direct by telephone at +44 (0)208 759 6628 quoting the reference: BIND1207 to receive the discounted rates. Note: a credit card will be required to hold your reservation but will not be charged at the time of booking. Please note that these rooms will be reserved until one month prior to the arrival date before they will be released. Any reservations made after this date will be offered at the group rate subject to availability.


Registration is now open.


For further information contact: Events and Awards Department, The British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing,
Midsummer House, Riverside Way, Bedford Road, Northampton NN1 5NX, UK.
Tel: +44 (0)1604 438300; Email: ; Web: http://www.cm-mfpt.org
Contact details
The ISCM Secretariat, c/o BINDT, Midsummer House, Riverside Way, Bedford Road, Northampton NN1 5NX, United Kingdom. Email:
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