Publication Committee (PubCom)
- Promoting the advancement of the science and practice of condition monitoring through the different media channels
- Identifying and assisting in the creation and improvement of hard copy and web-based CM publications, including text books, digests, yearbook, newsletters, technical notes and ‘hot topics’ articles
- Providing editorial support for the IJCM in liaison with the publishing department
- Identifying peer review resources, where appropriate, in liaison with the ISCM Scientific & Technical Committee and the IJCM production team
- Selecting and encouraging submissions of high-level scientific and technical topics for publication in the IJCM
- Contributing to the on-going development of the ISCM website in collaboration with BINDT’s publishing department
- New ISCM website implemented with MetaVisual
- Bringing together materials for Website
- Planning online solutions for Membership fee payment
- Update Guideline instructions for IJCM and conferences
- Member links to publications